
CyberDEX is built on top of the Synthetix protocol. Any fees generated on the exchange will be shared with the Synthetix (SNX) stakers who provide the liquidity.

That being said, CyberDEX does not charge any additional fees be that the market orders or the advanced orders.

Reviewing Synthetix fees

Keeper fee

Any trade that you execute would involve the dynamic fee that depends on the gas price and that is paid to the keepers to execute the trades on Synthetix. Usually, this fee would amount to ~$0.5 to $10 depending on the network congestion.

What are the benefits of this system?

Any person can run the keepers, and this therefore creates a competitive and cost-effective system where the keepers can adapt to the fluctuating gas prices and also boosts the network’s reliability and stability.

Maker/Taker fees

Maker and taker fees are based on the skew of the selected market. That being said, if the market is skewed towards short, and you have opened a long position, you will pay a maker fee. If in this case you open a short position, you will pay a taker fee.

  • Maker: 0.01% - 0.02% depending on the market | 1 - 2 basis points

  • Taker: 0.06% - 0.10% depending on the market | 6 - 10 basis points

All fees will be charged against the position value, not the collateral value. The fee is only charged once the order/trade has been successfully executed.

Last updated